Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Octopussy vs Katezilla - Are There Really Any Differences?

I've been reading what the general public has been saying about these two women, and I am still unsure that these two Baby Makers are really that different. Both have stated that they "just wanted one more baby", but each put themselves into the position where multiples were the likely outcome. So why, just why, does the public view Kate Gosslein as a devoted mother and Nadya Suleman as a wacko nut job?

Is it because Kate has a husband? Or maybe because she previously only had two children while Nadya had six? I don't know....but let's take a closer look. As far as I can see:

Both already had children but yearned for "just one more",
Both were in a dire financial mess when they conceived their children
Both have received government assistance in one shape or the other
Both believe that life begins at conception (whether it's in a petri dish or in a uterus)
Both refused to abort any of the multiple fetuses, stating it was against their beliefs (Nadya wouldn't destroy any fertilized eggs)
Both spend time on their appearances, going to spas, shopping for makeup, ........etc....etc.........
Both of these women appear to thrive in the spotlight that fame provides

Here's just a few of the differences that I can see:
Kate claims to have a strong Christian belief, where Nadya has remained quiet on her religious beliefs
Kate doesn't have the backing of her family and friends, where Nadya's family might not approve of her choices, but stands behind their daughter
Nadya appears to spend more time with her children than Kate who is jet setting across the country

So what's the problem? Why is the general public so against Octopussy while Katezilla has the blessings of many?
Artical by Cinoda Nevada


  1. I say they're BOTH whack jobs, just in different ways. I don't think you mentioned that Kate has admitted to being germophobic and having OCD while on the other hand Nadya is delusional and thinks she's just fine. I can't decide which is worse...

  2. Did you hear that there is an interview on radar, I think with the guy who caught jon and his girlfriend smooching in the hall way. There is also an intervew with the girls brother. He talks about always haveing to hear Jon and his sister having sex.

  3. I'm trying to post again.
    Well done Cinoda. And in support of the Octomom team. At least she still has her mother around.
    No such family ties for Kate.
    Octomom is obviously crazy.
    Maybe Kate isn't so nuts, but I believe meaner.
    So you have mean versus crazy. Which one wins?
    Then you have Jon, who's just a moron, and gross if all those things are true. Especially having noisy sex with other people in the house. That is so gross and low class. Kind of makes me sick. I hope the truth comes out.
    I hope they get canceled from TLC.
    And just in case I can't figure out how to post, it's Jules here.
    PS. I'm telling all my friends about this site. Some are taking much more interest in J&K now, with all that's going on.

  4. Hi Jules, mean vs. crazy, I like that. Holy Moly the tabloids are having a field day. I don't think the show will be cancelled as of yet. If anything it will probably increase the ratings!! I sent a post to BD tonight to put up tomorrow about the situation, so get your friends on board! I never thought I'd be getting into a message board on Jon and Kate!
