Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jon & Kate, Are the Rumors true?

My favorite topic right now is “The Gosselins”! The family of Jon & Kate Gosselin who has a reality show that, supposedly, depicts a family that has twins and sextuplets. In case you didn’t know, Kate’s brother, Kevin and his wife Jodi, outed them yesterday on an interview with Star Magazine.

They confirmed what all of us have been saying for a long time. That the show is a sham, Kate really does bash Jon on and off of the camera and that they are both being unfaithful to one another. The shocker was that there is a written “secret” contract that allows the two parents to have an open marriage as long as they stay together for the sake of the money show. We don’t know if this is a contract is just between just Jon & Kate or Jon & Kate and the producers of the show. I would tend to think the former since I don’t believe that a contract like this would stand up in court. But in this world who knows.

Yesterday, I was being bombarded by information coming in that Kate actually admitted that she likes her life just like it is. Of course she was referring to screwing the body guard the television business and that she thinks people like her hair! That’s the kicker! This shows, without a doubt. that she does NOT read the blogs!

Kevin, Kates brother, said that Jon told him six months ago that that the marriage was over and that Kate was being unfaithful, probably with the families bodyguard. Kevin also made the comment that the people who film the show have moral problems with the family. He was quoted as saying “they have trouble getting 15 minutes of usable footage from a days worth of filming because of the fighting”! He also confirmed that the whole way that family is portrayed is false.

I believe there are two sides to every story and that somewhere in the middle lies the truth. I put a lot of validity into the interview because Kevin, Kate’s brother, has been silent through the whole Jodi fiasco. However, some things just seem questionable.

First: Why did Kevin and Jodi do the interview with “Star Magazine” and not CNN, FOX or MSNBC? I’m sure that they received a very LARGE lump sum of money for their story.
Second: I know if I was having an affair with our families bodyguard and my husband even thought it, he would have beat his ass had a long discussion with him and had him terminated. I know, you are probably thinking that he wasn’t very upset because he was cheating on her first. Well, from the reports I have read, it sounds like Kate’s affair was going on first. Knowing Kate with her A typical personality, I don’t think that she would have just sat on her hands, show or not. If my husband was being unfaithful to me and I knew who it was, the bitch wouldn’t have any hair, teeth or eyes when I got finished with her home-wrecking ass, I would have confronted her.

What pulls it all together is the fact that their first episode of the new season is scheduled to show in just two weeks. Why has all of these things come to light now? Is it because they have more free time on their naughty little hands? I just wonder if this is not all just an attempt to boost their ratings? Remember, they have a little competition on their hands with ”Table for Twelve” !

I just wonder….

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